Home / Last News / Makary From Baalbek: Our Country Is Exposed To Two Dangers – Lebanese Migration Abroad And Syrian Displacement To Lebanon
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Makary From Baalbek: Our Country Is Exposed To Two Dangers – Lebanese Migration Abroad And Syrian Displacement To Lebanon

Caretaker Minister of Information, Ziad Al-Makary, said that “Lebanon is exposed to two serious factors: the displacement to Lebanon and its repercussions, and the Lebanese migration abroad which causes us to lose the young groups that we need to build our country.”

His words came during a ceremony held in his honor by the Honorary Consul of Lebanon in Florida, Mustafa Nasser, at the Al-Khawam Hotel in Baalbek.

Saluting the people of Baalbek, Makary said: “Baalbek and its citadel are the first place that comes to mind when referring to Lebanon’s archaeological, cultural and tourist sites in countries abroad and around the world. Therefore, you must protect and preserve this precious cultural heritage.”

Touching on Lebanon crises and difficult challenges, Makary stressed that “the state is indispensable”, and, “without the state we will reach chaos and the absence of justice and the law, a place where we do not accept to raise our children…”

The Minister believed that hopes are pinned on the dreams of Lebanon’s youth and children wherever they are, saying: “We want them to adhere to their love for their motherland in their countries of expatriation, and for their hearts to remain attached to their homeland,” commending Lebanon’s Honorary Consul in Florida, Mustafa Nasser, for his attachment to his roots and for contributing to the preservation of the national and Baalbaki heritage.


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