Home / Issues and Investigations / Report: Lebanon Still in ‘Serious Danger’ of Coronavirus

Report: Lebanon Still in ‘Serious Danger’ of Coronavirus

Lebanon’s success in controlling the spread of coronavirus could go “in vain” if the safety precautions continue to be neglected, “Lebanon is still in the circle of danger,” al-Joumhouria daily reported on Thursday.

“Lebanon is in serious danger, neglecting the safety measures and failure to abide by the health and interior ministries’ directives will lead to bad consequences,” health ministry sources told the newspaper on condition of anonymity.

They added that negligence could “torpedo the success achieved since the start of Lebanon’s confrontation with coronavirus.”

According to ministerial sources, health concerns have taken the “front stand” recently after a sudden increase in cases.

The Cabinet could extend the so-called general mobilization measures many times, “we are at the beginning of our battle with coronavirus,” said the sources.

Lebanon on Wednesday confirmed seven more COVID-19 coronavirus cases, raising the country’s tally to 961.

The country has shown remarkable efforts in controlling the spread of the virus when it first hit the country on February 21.

On Monday, Lebanon ended a four-day lockdown despite a recent uptick in the number of coronavirus cases, citing economic hardship.

The country had on March 15 declared general mobilization, ordered non-essential businesses shuttered and closed its air, land and sea ports of entry.

Most institutions and businesses have reopened in recent days, some with a reduced capacity and working hours.


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