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Activities of “Beirut the Capital of Arab Media” Kick Off Tuesday Evening… Makary: Beirut Shall Ever Remain the Capital of Freedoms and the Mother of Laws


The activities of “Beirut the Capital of Arab Media”, which had been originally scheduled for February 23/24, 2023, will kick off at the Middle East Aviation Center at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, after Caretaker Minister of Information, Ziad Makary, had decided to postpone them — in agreement with the League ...

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Makary Discusses Media cooperation With LU President

المكاري بدران رمال

Caretaker Minister of Information, Ziad Makary, on Wednesday welcomed Lebanese University President, Dr. Bassam Badran, with whom he discussed media cooperation between the University and the Ministry of Information, in addition to preparations for the signature of a cooperation protocol. Minister Makary also welcomed the participation in activities held by ...

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Makary Meets Duquesne in Paris

المكاري بيار دوكان

Caretaker Minister of Information, Ziad Makary, met in Paris with the French ambassador tasked with coordinating the international aid to Lebanon, Pierre Duquesne. The pair discussed the latest political and economic developments in Lebanon. NNA

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Information Minister Inaugurates Training Course On Archive Preservation, Digitization In Cooperation With French Embassy

دورة تدريبية مكاري

Minister of Information, Ziad al-Makary, on Wednesday inaugurated a training course on archive preservation and digitization at the National News Agency’s training hall. This course is part of a series of other training courses within the framework of a project to “Preserve, Digitize, and Evaluate the Archives of Radio Lebanon, ...

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