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Makary, Reporters Without Borders Delegation Discuss Topics Related To Journalists’ Freedom And Protection

Caretaker Minister of Information, Ziad Makary, received at his ministry office, a delegation from the “Reporters Without Borders” which included Jonathan Dagher and Rebecca Vincent.

Vincdent indicated that “the discussion with the Minister of Information touched on the Press Freedom Center, which the organization will open in Beirut tomorrow, Thursday, with the aim of providing support to journalists covering the war in Gaza, as well as in Lebanon and the region, as the center will provide logistical support and protection for journalists.”

Vincent also indicated that “the discussion also delved on topics related to the freedom and protection of journalists, and the World Press Freedom Classification issued by Reporters Without Borders in May of each year, and Lebanon’s position within this classification and how to improve it in the coming years.”

She pointed out that “the conversation touched on the journalists who were martyred in southern Lebanon, namely: Issam Abdullah, Farah Omar, and Rabih Maamari, and how to work to achieve justice for them.”


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