Home / Last News / Makary Delivers Lebanon’s Word At 53rd Session Of Arab Information Ministers Council In Rabat: We Advocate Communication Bridge Policy

Makary Delivers Lebanon’s Word At 53rd Session Of Arab Information Ministers Council In Rabat: We Advocate Communication Bridge Policy

Caretaker Minister of Information, Ziad Makary, delivered Lebanon’s word at the meeting of the Council of Arab Information Ministers, held in Rabat, thanking “the Kingdom of Morocco, king, government and people, for their warm hospitality and for hosting the Council’s session.”

Minister Makary said, “First, allow me to thank the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States for its continuous efforts. Also, allow me to thank the Arab Republic of Egypt for presiding over the Council’s fifty-second session, and to thank the Kingdom of Morocco for assuming the presidency of the Council’s fifty-third session.”

He continued, “For the good of our nation, we meet in Rabat, and the media is not the only bridge between our countries. We have a bond of blood and belonging to one Arab nation and to one Arab cause, and our Lebanese alphabet, which is always and forever biased towards its Arabism, confirms this. We have always believed that our broad Arab countries transcend the borders of our small geography, and eliminate the artificial walls of separation between us. Based on this belief, we bode well of the effects of the “Summit of Bridges” in Jeddah, which demolished walls and reconnected what was severed.”

Makary stressed that “the policy of walls has only resulted in more walls,” adding, “the policy of bridges is more beneficial, and the rule of geography has decreed the interdependence of destinies between our countries, and this interdependence necessitates connection, not estrangement.”

Makary concluded by saying: “I thank the League of Arab States for its trust in Beirut, and for designating it the capital of Arab media for the year 2023. I would like to affirm from here that our Beirut is a permanent capital of the media… Our wish is to see you all in Beirut before handing over the trust to Manama.”



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