Home / Last News / Al-Makary Holds Series Of Meetings In Paris, Discusses Possibility Of Cooperation To Support “Lebanon TV”
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Al-Makary Holds Series Of Meetings In Paris, Discusses Possibility Of Cooperation To Support “Lebanon TV”

Caretaker Information Minister Ziad al-Makary held a series of meetings in the French capital, Paris, starting with a visit to France Médias Monde, where he met its president, Marie-Christine Saragos.

The pair reportedly discussed strengthening cooperation between “France Médias Monde” and the Ministry of Information on both radio levels, especially “Tele Liban”, where a cooperation project was reached to support the television station, which will be announced later.

In turn, Saragos requested the possibility of Radio Monte Carlo International obtaining its own frequencies in Lebanon, and as a result, the Minister promised to follow-up on the matter.

The minister also briefed them on the projects prepared by the Ministry of Information.

Al-Makary then toured the studios of “France 24”, “Monte Carlo International” and “Iriff”, after that “France 24” Arabia conducted an interview with him, which will be published later.

Al-Makary held a second meeting with the President of the Arab World Institute, former Minister Jack Lang, in the presence of the Lebanese Ambassador to France, Rami Adwan, which was devoted to discussing several projects.

Discussions touched on the Information Ministry’s projects and the possibility of cooperation between the Institute of the Arab World and the Ministry in terms of valuing the archive it is working on with the National Institute of Audiovisual in France.


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