Home / Last News / Makary: Choosing Beirut As 2023 ‘Capital Of Arab Media’ Will Be A Starting Point For Lebanon To Regain Its Pioneering Position
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Makary: Choosing Beirut As 2023 ‘Capital Of Arab Media’ Will Be A Starting Point For Lebanon To Regain Its Pioneering Position

Caretaker Minister of Information, Ziad Makary, underlined that “Egypt is at the forefront of countries supporting Lebanon during the various difficult stages and crises,” hailing Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s constant support to the Lebanese.

Minister Makary’s words came in an exclusive interview with Egypt’s Middle East News Agency Beirut Bureau chief, Ahmed Sengab, ahead of the Minister’s visit to Egypt to participate in the meetings of the Council of Arab Information Ministers, hosted by Cairo for three days.

Caretaker Minister Makary revealed “serious positive indicators which confirm the imminent end of the crisis related to the formation of the new government and overcoming the disputes that obstruct its formation,” stressing that “Lebanon can no longer bear any vacuum or vacancy in any post, especially in light of the difficult circumstances the country is witnessing.”

The Minister also pointed out that President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, and Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati, are dealing positively at the present time with the dossier of the new government formation.

On the other hand, Makary said that he is very excited to visit Egypt and learn about the various Egyptian experiences and achievements made in many fields, especially in the media.

He pointed out that he will prolong his stay in Egypt for two additional days, in order to make a number of visits to Egypt’s renowned press and media institutions, including the Middle East News Agency, Al-Ahram Foundation and Media Production City.

Makary said that he seeks to further strengthen and bolster the bilateral relationship with Egypt, especially in the media production field.

Regarding his participation in the 52nd session of the Council of Arab Information Ministers, he explained that he will suggest during the meetings “choosing Beirut as the capital of Arab media for the next year,” noting that “President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, and Caretaker Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, support this initiative.” The Minister stressed herein that “the task will be huge for the Ministry of Information, but it will work seriously to present an image worthy of Beirut’s history and its outstanding contributions throughout the ages in media and Arab art, and to be a starting point for Beirut to regain its pioneering status.”


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