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President Aoun Meets Newly Appointed Information Minister

The newly appointed Information Minister Ziad Makari indicated that the difficult circumstances the country is going through “Require upgrading the ministerial work in order to alleviate the suffering of the Lebanese, as well as prioritizing the national interest over narrow calculations, to the scope of the comprehensive national action”.

Minister Makari’s positions came after meeting President Michel Aoun, on the occasion of his appointment as Minister of Information to succeed former Minister George Kordahi.

President Aoun wished the Information Minister success in his new duties, and stressed the importance of the media of all kinds at this delicate stage in Lebanon’s history.


After the meeting, Minister Makari made the following statement:

“It is not possible to start my ministerial duty without having the honor to visit His Excellency President Michel Aoun and listen to his directives.

The meeting was an occasion to thank everyone who gave me confidence, and I wish cooperation between everyone for the good of Lebanon and the Lebanese.

Undoubtedly, the delicate and sensitive stage, as well as the circumstances require upgrading the ministerial work in order to alleviate the suffering of the Lebanese, as well as prioritizing the national interest over narrow calculations, to the scope of the comprehensive national action.

I chose at this point not to speak before I took up my duties, and I am close to everyone. The country is suffering from a major crisis that requires us to act rather than speak”.


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