Home / Last News / Kordahi Announces Approval Of Ministerial Statement, Affirms No Decision To Lift Fuel Subsidies

Kordahi Announces Approval Of Ministerial Statement, Affirms No Decision To Lift Fuel Subsidies

In the wake of today’s cabinet session at Baabda Presidential Palace, Information Minister, George Kordahi, said that the ministerial statement was unanimously approved “with some minor amendments.”

“The new government’s slogan has been proposed by Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, and it is under the slogan ‘Together to the Rescue’,” Kordahi added.

Moreover, the Minister affirmed that the issue of lifting fuel subsidies was not raised during today’s session. “Who will lift fuel subsidies? Can they be lifted without a decision? No decision has been made to life fuel subsidies,” he affirmed.

Kordahi than dismissed everything that had been circulated about disagreements within the committee over drafting the ministerial statement as utterly incorrect.

“I categorically deny such claims. I’d witnessed the discussions that had taken place within the committee, and as President Mikati said, they were very positive, and rich with love and cooperation,” Kordahi said.

Regarding the entry of Iranian fuel into Lebanon, he indicated that “this matter was not brought up during today’s session, as it was devoted to discussing the ministerial statement that Prime Minister Mikati will read before the House of Parliament next week.”


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