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Ministry Of Health: Proof Of Vaccination Adopted Is The Electronic Certificate

The Ministry of Public Health indicated today that the “certificate of vaccination” for those who received two vaccine doses through the Ministry is the electronic certificate that contains the bar code issued on the data page of the concerned individual receiving the vaccine through the electronic platform, without the need for having it signed or stamped by the Ministry.

The MoPH statement reminded of the decision issued earlier by the Health Minister regarding the issuance of an official vaccination certificate for those vaccinated from outside the national electronic platform, or those who received the first vaccine dose outside Lebanon and brought back with them the second dose of the vaccine under good conditions, or those who received vaccines through special initiatives. It pointed out that said decision stipulates that these individuals have to undergo an IgG immunoassay two weeks after completing the second dose of the vaccine and to obtain an official certificate from a laboratory accredited within or outside Lebanon, confirming the test result.

The statement added that these individuals must also present a standardized medical prescription, signed and stamped by a doctor registered in one of the two doctors’ syndicates in Lebanon.

“Based on these documents, the Preventive Medicine Department at the Ministry of Public Health will issue an official certificate verifying the concerned individual’s vaccination validity,” the statement concluded.


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