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Abdel Samad, Hoballah to form working group for industry-specialized media

Minister of Information, Manal Abdel Samad, visited this Thursday Minister of Industry, Imad Hoballah, to discuss the prospects of forming a working group for media production, “to render Lebanon a center for industry-specialized media, through agreements to be made with the participation of the private sector,” as stated by Abdel Samad in the wake of the meeting.


“We can also brainstorm with specialists in the private sector, to bring attention to industrial media. We must highlight the industries of Lebanon in order to bring investors together with industrialists and producers,” she added.


“We had a meeting with the drug manufacturer ‘Arwan’, which obtained a license from the World Health Organization to be the sole center in the region to carry out laboratory analyzes of drugs, and thus encourage this industry. We regard this as a victory for the Lebanese industry,” Abdel Samad went on to say.

Hoballah, in turn, said the meeting was an occasion to “renew consensus on the steps taken by the government as a whole, and the ministries of Information and Industry in particular, to boost cooperation between ministries and to support the sector through industry-specialized media or the media industry, and by encouraging creative content.”


“We have agreed to form a working group first between the ministries of Information and Industry. Other ministries, such as the Telecommunications, will join the team at a later stage. Accordingly, we will communicate with the Minister of Telecom, with the full support of the private sector which will be involved in this working group, especially the media institutions,” Hoballah said.


“We thank the media for their support, despite any stance taken towards the government, as we encourage free media,” he asserted.


Finally, he praised the unyielding efforts of the Minister of Information. “We rely on her, especially after she launched yesterday from the Grand Serail the FACTCHECK service which aims to verify news.”


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