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Information Minister: Government’s Economic Plan Adjustable

Minister of Information, Manal Abdel Samad, said Friday that the government’s freshly-approved economic plan was neither sacred nor conclusive, adding that it can be adjusted if need be.

“We can make changes when necessary, as per certain procedures,” Abdel Samad told Télé Liban channel.

As to the state-run television’s appointments, the Minister indicated that the Cabinet followed a “transparent” and “objective” mechanism allowing candidates to apply for vacant positions on the website of the State Ministry for Administrative Development Affairs.

She added that interviews with candidates would be conducted as per the television’s goals.

“It is important that we know what it is that we want from Télé Liban, and what this TV will become in two or three years,” she said.

On a different note, Abdel Samad denied rumors claiming she earns two salaries from the state. “That is completely untrue,” she stressed.


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