Home / Economy / Cabinet session to approve final policy statement Thursday

Cabinet session to approve final policy statement Thursday

A Cabinet session to approve the final draft of the Cabinet’s policy statement is set to take place Thursday, Information Minister Manal Abdel Samad said Monday.

“We are implementing short and medium-term plans, with clear and targeted goals,” Abdel Samad told reporters after the ministerial committee tasked with drafting the Cabinet’s policy statement met.

Abdel Samad added that Cabinet will not “adopt any draft that has been leaked,” referring to a circulated leaked draft policy statement.

She also said that no additional taxes would be imposed, but said that there would be improved methods of tax collection.

Industry Minister Imad Hoballah made an earlier comment also confirming that the final statement is expected to look “different” than the draft.

Social Affairs and Tourism Minister Ramzi Musharrafieh said that amendments made to the statement were minor.

Regarding tax reforms, Musharrafieh said that new tax and control measures are expected to impact those who are exempt and evaded taxes.

Prime Minister Hassan Diab chaired the meeting at the Grand Serail to do “a final reading of the statement before presenting to the Cabinet for approval,” a statement from his office said.

After Cabinet approves the policy statement, Diab will present the statement in Parliament to seek lawmakers’ vote of confidence

The Daily Star

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