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Sidon gets $1M to treat waste

The Sidon Municipality received $1 million from the Beirut Municipality to assist the city in managing waste from the capital. Beirut Mayor Jamal Itani denied the municipality had “given” Sidon $1 million but said it was to cover the costs of Beirut’s waste. “As part of the plan by Cabinet and the Council for Development and Reconstruction, Sidon will take in 200 tons of waste,” Itani told The Daily Star.

A source from Sidon told The Daily Star that the city had “received it [the money] and it will be used to help treat waste received.”

Giving details of the waste transfer, Itani added that “this waste, of course, will be sent after being sorted in Karantina and the funds will help Sidon treat this waste.”

The Sidon municipality was contracted to receive $6 million over two years for managing Beirut’s waste, while the engineering company IBC, is receiving $95 per ton, which adds up to $19,000 per day for an average of 200 tons.

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