Home / Last News / Army commander: Lebanon ready to face any Israeli aggression

Army commander: Lebanon ready to face any Israeli aggression

Lebanese Army chief Gen. Joseph Aoun Monday thanked countries providing support to the military during last year’s “Fajr al-Joroud” operation against militant groups on the country’s northeastern border.

Speaking to a delegation of heads of foreign military missions in Lebanon, Aoun said that the Army’s victory was a turning point of 2017, alongside the defeat of Daesh (ISIS) in Iraq and the erosion of their presence “for the large part” in Syria.

The Army head also voiced his assurance that Lebanon would remain committed to the U.N. resolution that ended the 2006 War with Israel and set out post-conflict conditions for south Lebanon.

“We are committed to maintaining stability along the southern border in coordination with UNIFIL and U.N. Resolution 1701.” The resolution ended the 2006 War after calling for an immediate end to hostilities, the deployment of the Army and additional UNIFIL soldiers south of the Litani River, and enshrined the military and U.N. peacekeepers as the sole legitimate forces in that area.

However, Aoun said that the country was “also ready to face any Israeli aggression against Lebanon.”

Lauding the Army’s role in preserving a calm Lebanon at a time when the Middle East was witnessing deadly clashes, Aoun said that the Army would continue to defend the country and maintain its security and stability.

Aoun said that the diligent security work on “an almost daily basis” helped thwart all terrorist schemes last year. “Subsequently, during 2017, Lebanon did not witness any terrorist operations internally.”

Separately, Aoun met UNIFIL chief Maj. Gen. Michael Beary and discussed the situation along the southern border as well as coordination between the two sides to maintain stability south of the Litani River.

A delegation headed by European Union Ambassador to Lebanon Christina Lassen also met with Aoun and discussed ways to enhance military and security cooperation in the field of combating terrorism.

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