Home / Last News / Riyashi: The agreement on the election law is a big step forward and putting the train on the right track for the justice of representation

Riyashi: The agreement on the election law is a big step forward and putting the train on the right track for the justice of representation

“It was not easy to reach an election law,” Information Minister Melhem Al-Riyashi said. “The agreement on a law is a big step forward, putting the train on the right track for representation justice.”
In an interview with Al-Mustaqbal, Al-Riyashi said that “15 departments of relative work are very fair.”
“We have entered into a new stage with the logic of correcting representation through the new electoral law,” he said. He stressed that “the new law was made in Lebanon and” more, “adding that” there was more than a “cooker” to complete this law, which is many times better than the previous law.
“The first trial of the law will contribute to its development,” he said. “In my personal opinion, the parliamentary elections will take place next May,” he said.
“If it does not recognize women’s quota, women should not be deprived of their right to run for parliamentary elections,” he said.
“Women should go to the polls,” he said, adding that “there must be women in Parliament.” “The Christian couple is not going to cancel anyone,” he said, adding that “we have reached the brink of the birth of a new regime.” “The main concern of the Lebanese government is the economic situation in general, as well as any production project that significantly changes public functions,” he said.

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