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Brazilian border town tires of Venezuelan refugees


Pacaraima (Brazil) – The remote Brazilian town of Pacaraima is used to outsiders — tourists curious about spectacular nearby mountains — but a sea of Venezuelan refugees is pushing locals’ hospitality to breaking point. Before, Pacaraima’s main attraction was its location near Monte Roraima in Venezuela, believed to have inspired ...

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Dr. Maya Hammoud became the 52nd President of APGO!

مايا حمود

Dr. Maya Mustafa Hammoud, whose family originates from the southern Lebanese town of Tebnine, represents a new successful story of the Lebanese Diaspora promoting the positive image of Lebanon around the world. Professor of Learning Health Sciences and Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maya became the 52nd President of the Association of ...

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Serbia ‘open to solutions’ on Kosovo


BUCHAREST, Romania: Serbia’s president said Thursday that his country won’t recognize Kosovo as an independent nation, but is open to discussing solutions to the contentious issue. “If we recognize Kosovo … Albanians will gain everything, and my question is — what will Serbs get?” said President Aleksandar Vucic, who was ...

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