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Issues and Investigations

New Vaccine Could Be Key to Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease, Scientists Say


A new vaccine that targets inflamed brain cells linked with Alzheimer’s disease may hold the key to potentially preventing the neurological condition, scientists say. The yet-to-be peer-reviewed research, presented at the American Heart Association’s Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions 2023 in Boston, tested the vaccine in mice to target cells producing proteins linked to aging in mice ...

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Disturbing Research Warns AI May Be ‘Great Filter’ That Wipes Out Human Civilisation

OIP (13)

Advanced artificial intelligence could pose a catastrophic risk to humanity and wipe out entire civilisations, a new study warns. AI could be the potential “Great Filter” answer to the Fermi paradox, with the potential to wipe out intelligent life in the universe before it can make contact with others, suggested the yet-to-be peer-reviewed study, posted ...

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Global Loss Of Wildlife Is ‘Significantly More Alarming’ Than Previously Thought


  The global loss of wildlife is “significantly more alarming” than previously thought, according to a new study that found almost half the planet’s species are experiencing rapid population declines. Humans have already wiped out huge numbers of species and pushed many more to the brink – with some scientists saying we are entering a “sixth mass ...

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