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Issues and Investigations

Covid: ‘Vaccine Ceiling’ Approaching For Some As Study Suggests Fourth Jab May Not Be Necessary

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A “vaccine ceiling” may be approaching for some people who have already received three doses, according to new research, suggesting it may not be necessary to keep getting jabbed against Covid-19 on a rolling basis. Health officials are currently assessing whether to broaden out the UK’s current booster programme beyond over-75s, care home ...

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Scientists Make Major Breakthrough In Search For Aliens In Our Solar System – Helped By Ice Ridges On Our Own Planet

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The discovery of ice ridges in Greenland similar to those found on Europa suggest water from the Jovian moon’s subsurface ocean could lurk near the surface.   In the late 1970s, Nasa’s two Voyager spacecraft flew by Jupiter’s moon Europa and found strong evidence that a global liquid water ocean lurks beneath the moon’s icy shell. ...

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‘The Real Thing’: Delta-Omicron Hybrid Identified For First Time

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A newly-discovered Covid variant that combines mutations from both Omicron and Delta is “the real thing,” scientists have said. Earlier in the year, concern was raised after a lab in Cyprus claimed to have found evidence of a Delta-Omicron recombination event – when the two variants co-infect a patient and exchange genetic material to produce a new viral ...

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Could Pumping Iron Decrease The Risk Of Premature Death?

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There’s long been evidence that moderate aerobic exercise (think walking, running, or cycling) are good for your lifelong health and well-being. Research even shows us more active people also tend to live longer, healthier lives with lower rates of disease – including cancers, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. But what about resistance exercise such ...

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