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Mikati, Makari Partake In A Live Interview Tomorrow On Tele Liban

Prime Minister Najib Mikati will appear in an interview with journalist Walid Abboud, at 9:45 pm tomorrow, Wednesday, on state-owned “Tele Liban” channel, in the first episode of the “With Walid Abboud” program, which will be broadcast every Wednesday.

The episode includes a special look for Minister of Information Ziad al-Makary, who will unveil a surprise about the channel.

The episode with the Prime Minister will address current issues, starting with Lebanon’s return to its normal relations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, to the extent of Lebanon’s ability to overcome the crisis of confidence between it and the International Monetary Fund, the controversy surrounding the demarcation of the maritime borders stuck in lines 23 and 29, the sinking of the Tripoli boat  Recently, as well as investigations into the bombing of the port, and the 2022 parliamentary elections.

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