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Child Rights Toolkit out in Lebanon


“Everywhere around us, everyday Children are denied their rights,” Tanya Chapuisat, UNICEF representative in Lebanon, said at the launch of the joint EU-UNICEF Child Rights Toolkit Wednesday. “Society and the time we live in often take this for granted. It shouldn’t be so and that’s why we are here today.” ...

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International Support Group for Lebanon urges timely elections


Members of the International Support Group for Lebanon yesterday called on Lebanese politicians to work together to reach a new electoral law and conduct timely elections. The group urged political leaders to reach “an early compromise, which would present an appropriate electoral framework for Lebanon.” It also called for “timely, ...

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Lebanese protest against new rent law in Beirut


Tenants briefly blocked a road in Beirut with burning tires Wednesday after previous protests failed to convince authorities to revoke a controversial rent law. The rally was held in the Mathaf area, causing heavy traffic. In January, Parliament endorsed a rent law that would incrementally increase fees for tenants on ...

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Riachi discusses media cooperation with China


Information Minister Melhem Riachi discussed possible media cooperation with Chinese Ambassador to Lebanon Wang Kejian Wednesday. “Lebanon’s media sector has a large impact not only in the country but regionwide as well,” the state-run National News Agency reported Wang as saying after the ambassador expressed interested in working with Lebanon ...

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Hariri to lead Lebanon-Egypt joint-committee in Cairo


Prime Minister Saad Hariri will head to Egypt next month for the first meeting of the Lebanese-Egyptian Joint Higher Committee since 2010, Egypt’s Ambassador to Lebanon announced after meeting with the prime minister Wednesday. “I had the honor of meeting with Prime Minister Hariri to discuss the preparation of upcoming ...

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Melhem Antoun Riachy


Melhem Antoun Riachy is from “Khenchara” in the district of North Metn. He is a writer, a journalist, and a researcher in Middle East affairs and comparative religions, having several studies in this field. He is a consultant in political affairs and strategic negotiations, a professor of Geostrategic communication in ...

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Melhem Antoun Riachy


Melhem Antoun Riachy is from “Khenchara” in the district of North Metn. He is a writer, a journalist, and a researcher in Middle East affairs and comparative religions, having several studies in this field. He is a consultant in political affairs and strategic negotiations, a professor of Geostrategic communication in ...

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Lenders in a bind over excess Lebanese cash


Banks are reporting a huge excess in cash in Lebanese pounds resulting from a swap operation engineered by the Central Bank earlier this year. “The Central Bank purchased around LL10 trillion [$6.6 billion] of Treasury bills and CDs held by commercial banks and paid them in advance the return on ...

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